速報APP / 教育 / Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Fluid Mechanics(圖1)-速報App

Fluid mechanics notes for mechanical engineering.Fluid mechanics almost covers important topics chapter wise

Chapter 1. Review of Fluid Properties

1. Engineering units of measurement

2. Mass

3. Density

4. Specific gravity

5. Specific volume

6. Surface Tension

7. Capillarity

8. Bulk modulus

9. Vapor Pressure

10. Fluid Static's

11. Stability of floating and submerged bodies

Chapter 2. Kinematics of Flow

1. Types of flow

2. Streamlines and Streamtubes

3. Three-dimensional flow

4. Continuity Equation

5. Circulation

6. Stagnation point

7. Separation of Flow

8. Flownet

Fluid Mechanics(圖2)-速報App

9. Stream Function and Velocity Potential

Chapter 3. Dynamics of Flow

1. Eulers equation

2. Application of Bernoulli?s equation

3. Energy Correction Factor

4. Linear Momentum Equation

5. Moment of Momentum Equation

6. Electrodynamic meter movement and applications


8. Flow Measurement

Chapter 4. Dimensional Analysis and Dynamic Similitude

1. Dimensional Analysis

2. Dimensional homogeneity

3. Buckingham Pi theorem

4. Dimensionless Numbers

5. Similarity laws

Chapter 5. Laminar Flow

1. Laminar and turbulent flow

2. Reynolds experiment & Reynolds number

3. Relation between shear & pressure gradient

4. Laminar flow through circular pipes

5. Stokes' Law

Fluid Mechanics(圖3)-速報App

6. Lubrication principles